Duke - A User Guide

1. Introduction

This program is really just a Todo list. 🤗

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer
  2. Download the latest release
  3. Enter the command java -jar duke-0.2.0.jar and the GUI should appear within a few seconds

3. Features

Here is a list of the available commands that this program understands:

  1. todo
  2. event
  3. deadline
  4. list
  5. done
  6. delete
  7. find

Note that this program is case-sensitive (ie. done is interpreted differently to Done or DONE), and all commands are lower cased.

4. Usage

Commands (listed in section 3 above) must always come first for this program to correctly understand the command.

The keyword within the angle brackets indicate what you should replace them with. For example, when you see done <number>, replace the <number> with a suitable number like done 2.

4.1. todo Command

Description Format
Adds a todo todo <description>


4.2. event Command

Description Format
Adds an event deadline <description> /at <date>

<date> must be of the form YYYY-MM-DD


4.3. deadline Command

Description Format
Adds a deadline deadline <description> /by <date>

<date> must be of the form YYYY-MM-DD


4.4. list Command

Description Format
Lists all stored tasks list

4.5. done Command

Description Format
Mark a task as done done <number>

Hint: the task number can easily be found by using the list command.


Expected Outcome

The program will confirm the marking of the correct task, if it exists.

4.6. delete Command

Description Format
Deletes a task delete <number>

Hint: the task number can easily be found by using the list command.


Expected Outcome

The program will confirm the deletion of the task, if it exists.

4.7. find Command

Description Format
Searches and lists all tasks similar to <description> find <description>


Expected Outcome

The program will reply with the correct tasks, if any.